Gabbie Hanna announces break-up with long-term boyfriend Payton Saxon

Controversial YouTuber Gabbie Hanna announced she is now single on the first episode of her new confession series, uploaded on June 23rd.

30-year-old Gabbie Hanna has been notorious for starting an internet drama with numerous influencers. She has garnered over five million subscribers and is best known for her storytime and collaboration videos.

Gabbie has recently come under fire for being accused of many things across the internet, causing her and her fan base to receive volumes of hate.

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Gabbie Hanna splits from long-term boyfriend

In the first episode of her new series titled, "Confessions of a Washedup YouTube Hasbeen", Gabbie informed her fans that she and her long-time boyfriend, Payton Saxon, have broken up.

"I'm single now. Honestly, it is a good thing. It was a very clean and loving breakup. He's still in the series, with his permission of course, and I love the memories we had together."

She then continued by calling her ex-boyfriend her "best f***ing friend", claiming that they both had very "different visions".

"When we met two years ago, we were just very different people than the people we are now. We had very different visions. There comes a point in every relationship where you have to look at the full picture and decide, 'Are we going to be good partners moving forward for the rest of our lives?' "

Gabbie then claimed that she and Payton, while still amicable, didn't have the same plans for the future.

"Our paths just didn't align anymore. He's a very, very private person, and I' We both look back at it with so much love and f***ing gratitude. We have been through so much together and we were there for each other in times of crisis."

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Gabbie Hanna and Payton Saxon's relationship explored

Gabbie Hanna and Payton Saxon reportedly began dating in August 2019 but hadn't made it "Instagram official" until the following month.

Payton has been in a number of Gabbie's videos and has been featured in one of her music videos as well.

As the 30-year-old mentioned previously, Payton is a "very private person", implying that the 32-year-old is not very present on social media.

Fans are excited to see how Gabbie Hanna encorporates her breakup into her new music, as she recently claimed she had just signed to a music label.

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