Bedman is a brand new upcoming character in the fan-favorite fighting game Guilty Gear Strive. Obviously, he has appeared in previous Guilty Gear games as well and fans have been waiting for his arrival for a long time now. Hence, the release date for Bedman in the game along with some other details have been listed in this article. There is no doubt that Bedman is one of the most interesting characters in the franchise.
He functions as a zoner, though he is extremely reliant on combos and proper set-up. Unfortunately, if players mess up even once, he will get destroyed due to his lack of proper defensive options.
Bedman will release in Guilty Gear Strive on April 6, 2023
The developers of Guilty Gear Strive have officially confirmed that Bedman will be coming on April 6 this year. Speculation surrounding his release has been around the community for quite some time, but now that it is official, players can finally rest easy.
This is the eighth major DLC character within the game and one will require Season Pass 2 in order to obtain him. Obviously, it goes without saying that Bedman is not for everyone.
He can function as a zoner, but remains extremely hard to play. Bedman in the previous games used to revolve around the Deja Vu mechanic. In that, he would leave a shadow after performing a special move.
This shadow could mimic and replay the special move that Bedman performed earlier. This mechanic allowed him to zone, pressure, and lock down enemies with ease.
Unfortunately, the brand new gameplay trailer for Bedman released a few days ago did not have any signs of the Deja Vu mechanic. This has led to a lot of questions about how different he will be in Guilty Gear Strive compared to his previous counterparts.
Obviously, the developers making him easier to play might not be surprising since Strive is much more catered towards beginners in the fighting game genre. Hopefully, more information regarding his full kit will be available during EVO Japan 2023 which is going to take place from March 31 to April 2, 2023.
However, this is not all, as a brand new stage Fairy Forest Factory will also become available within the game alongside Bedman. This stage will also require the purchase of Guilty Gear Strive Season Pass 2.
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