Who are Oscar Tshiebwe parents, Mbuyi and Kaya Rosalie Tshiebew? A closer look at the future NBA dra

Oscar Tshiebwe has had one of the most inspiring journeys in college basketball. The Kentucky player has developed into one of the best rebounders the college game has seen in recent years. However, the future NBA player has seen some hard times in his younger days.

Hailing from Lubumbashi, Congo, Oscar Tshiebwe hasn’t had the traditional college athlete’s career so far. The 23-year-old had a stellar high school showing in Pennsylvania, where he earned the honors of a five-star recruit. He even featured in the McDonald’s All-American game.

Tshiebwe started at West Virginia University and transferred to Kentucky after two seasons. Having been away from his family for so long, Oscar Tshiebwe didn't have it easy coming up the ranks in American basketball. However, he has made a name for himself with his work ethic and determination.

The 6-foot-9 center didn't pick up a basketball until 2014. This was right around the time Tshiebwe lost his father. Having been raised in a Christian household, Tshiebwe’s father, Mbuyi Tshiebwe, was a pastor and inculcated rich Christian values in his son. Mbuyi Tshiebwe has always been his son’s hero.

The Kentucky baller has his Christian values deep seeded in him, and he takes them wherever he goes. Even at Kentucky, post his basketball season, he was seen spreading the message of love and Jesus that his father taught him.

Unfortunately, Mbuyi Tshiebwe couldn't see his son on the main stage. When Oscar was 12, his father was reportedly poisoned to death. However, his teachings and values still take precedence in his son’s life.

On the other hand, his mother, Kaya Rosalie Tshiebwe, still lives in Congo. She has seven children, of whom Oscar Tshiebwe is about to be the first college graduate.

This moment will be massive for the Tshiebwe family as it will come before his next big achievement, being drafted into the NBA. Though his family may be far from him, Oscar Tshiebwe has made them proud.

Oscar Tshiebwe: A Kentucky legend in the making

Kentucky v Kansas State

Tshiebwe was adjudged SEC Player of the Year in 2022 for his immaculate showing on the court. He even was given the National Player of the Year award. The strongly built player even holds back-to-back most rebounds in the NCAA.

Coming from a program as great as the Kentucky Wildcats that has produced some of the most extraordinary talents in the country, Tshiebwe might still go down as one of the best to come from there. As he prepares to make his way to the NBA, his family in Congo and his legal guardians in Pennsylvania must be pretty proud of the youngster.

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